Wednesday, August 18, 2010


“There comes a time when you just gotta get up, get out from under the shade,
pull your team together and go to the point of no return.
To the best of my understanding, faith is trusting God enough
to obey what He has said, and hope is having confidence that
God will do everything He has promised.”

This fall, I am hoping to introduce many things to Children's Community, and in doing so, I could use some volunteers:

  • I am in the process of looking for one volunteer each month to teach Children's Church on the first Sunday. The material would be provided, so it would merely mean teaching the class.
  • I am also in the process of trying to recruit new members for the Children's Ministry Committee.

If you are interested in either of the two volunteer opportunities, just send me an email at I would really appreciate your help!

In other news. Here's a SNEAK PEAK of what fall means for our Children's Ministry:

SECOND FRIDAY: A night, once a month, catered to children and their families--providing time where kids can be kids and family life can be encouraged.

  1. September 10- Family Relay and Pizza Party
  2. October 8- Just for Kids: Costume Party and Silly Games
  3. November 12- Family Movie Night, featuring "The Blindside"
  4. December 10- Just for Kids: Caroling and Delivering Gifts to a nursing home
GA PROGRAM: It is my hope to revive this program and get more than just one girl in here every week. To see that happen, we will be having an Extreme Makeover Edition- a night to redecorate our room, a night for makeovers, a night with a Bible Study based on God making over our spirits. The date is yet to be determined, but I will get it in the works and on the calendar very soon!

We will also be having dinner out once a month on Wednesday nights. A night to switch up the scenery and enjoy each others' company and Bible Study over dinner. Starting date, yet to be determined

There's your SNEAK PEAK of fall happenings!

I look forward to seeing where God takes us these next few months,


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